Job  FULUP (equivalent to Joseph PHILIPPE) is born in SPEZET, in Middle BRITTANY, which is a sort of capital of breton language . Job (to be pronounced « shop ») FULUP (Fülüp) spent all his childhood in this country. He was first well known as a bombard player (champion of BRITTANY in 1972 with A. THOMAS, biniou player). Job FULUP is one of very rare players of Celtic Harp who learnt exclusively by an oral way as a traditional ethnic musician. He is  a "harper " apart with an undeniable authencity. This authencity allows him to improvise, to compose or play other musics, keeping the indelible style of his musical origins.
Job FULUP (équivalent de Joseph PHILIPPE) est né à SPEZET, en Centre Bretagne où il passe toute sa jeunesse. (SPEZET est un peu une capitale de la langue bretonne).
Il est un des très rares joueurs de harpe celtique à avoir une formation uniquement orale, de musicien traditionnel. Cela fait de lui un « harpeur » à part, d'une authenticité indéniable. Cette authencité lui permet d'improviser, de composer ou d'aborder d'autres musiques tout en gardant le style indélébile de ses origines musicales.


« … Job FULUP plays Irish, Scottish and Breton pieces in a easy, flowing style. He also plays several compositions, some of which follow traditional forms, other of which are improvisational in nature. And oh… he does sing several songs in a pleasant, warm, low key voice … »

LE MONDE DE LA MUSIQUE (CD « Harpeur » classé 4 étoiles)
« … Ses gavottes, ses jigs et ses adaptations d'airs conçus pour la cornemuse ou le violon sont de toute beauté … »

The elves of the forest of Broceliande in Django REINHARDT's caravan. The FULUPS  have taken the short cut which goes from « hot jazz » to Celtic melodies and from gavottes to gypsy rhythms. The harpist Job FULUP is a pure, authentic" bard,"  born in SPEZET, Finistère. A solo record « Harpeur » gave him a well-earned success. He makes traditional airs, gavottes and reels re-live with a bounding scintillating limpidity on the bronze strings of his Celtic Harp. This time, the elder of the trio invites the two youngsters of swing, Edern the guitarist, and Tanguy, the bassist, to create a new style . When the first surprise has been gone over, this music flows naturally. The swing unchains harp so these airs, almost seeming as if possessed by some force, are well suited for night feasts, a common tradition coming from Gypsies and Bretons.

« FULUP CELTIC SWING » mixes the magic fullness of Celtic music to the audacity of Swing in a touching alchemy. Lyrics in Breton, French, English, unbridled solos on a background very hot, produce a full and original music.

Mesk a ra  « FULUP CELTIC SWING » maji vras ar musik keltiek gant hardizhegezh ar swing en un alchimi da bikat ar galon. Ar c'homzou e brezhoneg, galleg, saozneg, ar solo digabestr war un dremwell tomm tre a ro ur sonerezh bev.

« FULUP CELTIC SWING » joint  l'ampleur magique de la musique celtique à l'audace du swing, dans une alchimie prenante. Instrumentaux, solos débridés sur un background très « hot », textes bretons, français, anglais, génèrent une musique pleine et originale.